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Q14 - Whoever recites Surah Ikhlas 1,000 times between the afternoon and evening on the day of Arafa

Question # 014

Assalamualaikum. At 1:38 in this YouTube video ( ) it states that "Whoever recites Surah Ikhlas 1,000 times between the afternoon and evening on the day of Arafa, Allah bestowes/gives him whatever he wishes.". I am just wondering if this statement is true or not. I will be attemping this on the next day of Arafa but it would be good if a person could determine if this is fake or not. Jazakallah.

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salaamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullaahi wa-barakaatuh.

We appreciate your concern regarding the authenticity of this narration, and we pray that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala revives the love and respect of the Sunnah in our hearts.

We find many narrations passed around with regards to the virtues of various Surahs in the Qur'an. These narrarations vary from authentic to fabricated. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we are extremely cautious whilst spreading the narrations of the Messenger Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. By the will of Allah, the scholars of the Muslim Ummah have protected the Shariah from these fabrications and lies. It is our duty to return to the people of knowledge and ask them regarding the narrations that reach us and which of them are suitable to act upon and propagate.

As far as the narration in question is concerned, then it is mentioned by Al Allamah Ali al Muttiaqi al Hindi in his book "Kanz ul Ummal" as follows:

٢٧٣٤ - من قرأ قل هو الله أحد عشية عرفة ألف مرة أعطاه الله عز وجل ما سأل (أبو الشيخ عن ابن عمر)

[كنز العمال ٢٩٩/١ ط. دار الكتب العلمية]

"Whoever recites "Qul huwa Allahu Ahad" (Surat ul Ikhlaas) on the eve of Arafah 1000 times, Allah will him whatever he asks for" (Abu ul Shaikh has narrated this from Ibn Umar from the Prophet peace be upon him)

[Kanz ul Ummal 1/299, Dar ul Kutub il Ilmiyyah edition]

He traces it back to Abu ul Shaykh who narrates it from Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him). The problem is that the chain of Abu ul Shaykh to Ibn Umar is not found, and as such, we have not come across a grading of this narration.

As for the virtues of Surat ul Ikhlaas, then there are many and one should act upon the authentic and decent ones. One may also act upon the weak ones whilst keeping the following conditions in mind:

  1. The hadith must not be extremely weak or fabricated.

  2. The hadith must fall under a meaning which is previously established and acted upon in the Shariah.

  3. One should be acting upon it out of caution (that though it is not established in the Shariah through an authentic narration, it may still be a part of the Shariah)

These conditions apply to acting upon any weak hadith in regards to Fadha'il (virtues and encouragement for performing extra good deeds). One must avoid spreading and acting upon narrations which are extremely weak or fabricated, as well as narrations for which a chain can't be found, as their grade (in terms of authenticity and weakness) may not be known.

For authentic narrations regarding the virtues of Surat ul Ikhlaas, please refer to the 13th chapter in the following link:

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best


Student - Jamiah Islamiyah Abu Bakr

Checked & Approved by Shaykh Kasim Ingar


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