Full Time Alim/Alimah Program
September to August
Monday to Friday 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
1 Student: $300/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
2 Students: $575/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
3 Students: $850/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
Registration Fees
Application Fee: $10/Student
1 Uniform: $20/Student or 2 Uniforms: $40/Student
Registration Documents
Completed Application form
Health Card
Registration fee paid in cash
“Void” cheque for monthly withdrawals
Registration Form
Note that our Alim/Alimah program is part-time for the first 4 years, and full-time for the last 3 years. It is intended that the student completes part-time while in high school. To register, please see Imam Maulana Kasim after any salah. Note the minimum age requirement is age 14 (or entering high school).
Part Time Alim/Alimah Program
September to August
5 days a week (Monday to Friday) 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
1 Student: $115/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
2 Student: $230/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
3 Student: $345/month by Monthly Pre-Authorized from the Bank.
Registration Fees
Application Fee: $10/Student
1 Uniform: $20/Student or 2 Uniforms: $40/Student
Yearly Agenda: $20/Student
Registration Documents
Completed Application form
Health Card
Registration fee paid in cash
“Void” cheque for monthly withdrawals
Registration Form
Note that our Alim/Alimah program is part-time for the first 4 years, and full-time for the last 3 years. It is intended that the student completes part-time while in high school. To register, please see Imam Maulana Kasim after any salah. Note the minimum age requirement is age 14 (or entering high school).