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Funeral Guidelines during COVID-19

Re: Updated Burial Procedures


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu


Deceased Ghusl/Bathing - Maximum 5 people (Family or appointed). No other men, women, or visitors will be allowed to attend or gather at the Masjid during the process.

Visitation at the Masjid - There will be no visitation at the Masjid other than the immediate family, or those appointed by the immediate family. Visitation by the immediate family will be at an appointed time. There is a maximum of 25 visitors. Visitation will be done in groups of 5, with 5 minutes allotted per group. Other groups will have to wait in their cars until the prior group comes out. Alternatively, you may bereave with the family at their residence.

Janazah Salaah - There will be no seating for men or women in the Masjid before or after Janazah Salaah. Men may come to the Masjid 30 minutes before janaza salah time. Do not come earlier than that, as you will not be allowed to gather. Janazah Salaah will be conducted, as usual, in the Masjid. The coffin will be brought in and out by a maximum of 4 people, including staff. Please do not crowd or gather around the coffin. Musallees must maintain physical distancing and wear masks, as required in regular Salaah.

Burial - There will be a maximum of 25 people that may go to the cemetery for burial. All 25 people will have their names registered with the Masjid who will then forward them to the graveyard. If you are not registered with the Masjid you may NOT attend the burial. If the family would like more than 25 people (to a maximum of100) at the graveyard, they must pay for a funeral director and employees ($700). We will arrange this, if needed, and it must be paid for by the deceased's family. Again, all names must be registered prior to proceeding to the graveyard for burial. At the graveyard, social distancing will strictly apply. The coffin may be put on the belt by immediate family only, if they so desire. Thereafter, everyone that is present must go back to their vehicles, maintaining social distancing until the burial has concluded. Graveyard staff will lower the body and fill the grave.  Once complete, and the go ahead is given, family may go back to the grave. Physical distancing and the wearing of masks must be adhered to at all times.

These rules must be adhered to at all times. The Scarborough Muslim Association must receive assurance from the family that these rules are agreeable before we will pick up the deceased. If these procedures cannot be followed by the family of the deceased, the family must choose/use another burial facility or arrangement.

JazakumAllahu Khair for your consideration. May Allah Subhanahu wa’tala protect us all. Ameen.


SMA Management

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