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April 23, 2021

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

Our Masjid has been closed for the last week due to stricter rules surrounding Covid-19. However, we were able to get some clarity from the local health authorities on how best we can allow regular salaahs to take place in the Masjid. Alhumdulillah, by the Mercy of Allah, from Jumuah salaah today our Masjid will be open for Salaah with Jama'ah with enhanced restrictions.

When possible please pray your Salaah at home, as the Masjid is opening under extremely limited capacity. Taraweeh salaah will remain closed to the general public.  For the safety of our community and musallees, and to help stay compliant with local Covid-19 orders and directives, the following protocols will be in effect starting today, Friday, April 23rd, 2021:

  • Masjid will be open to the general public for Fajr, Zuhr, Asr and Maghrib only. Masjid will remain closed to the general public for Ishaa salaah

  • Salaah will take place in 4 totally separate locations in the Masjid at a maximum of 10 musallees at a time. Please obey the instructions of the volunteers at all times. Wear masks, and keep social distance at all times, including while you are waiting outside.

  • Masjid doors will remain locked at all times in order to keep count of Musallees inside the building. 

  • Masjid will be open 15 minutes prior to salaah time.

  • Musallees should perform wudhu at home.

  • If the doors are locked at salaah time, Musallees should wait in their vehicles or line up outside ensuring all are physical distancing. 

  • Sunnah and Nafil prayers should be performed at home so others waiting outside may be accommodated quickly.  

  • Should you need to pray salaah outside of the Jamaat time, you may ring the door bell or call the Masjid phone number to enter.

Doors will only open 15 minutes prior to the time of Salaah. This is to ensure we are able to keep count of the number of musallees in the building. 

If by chance you enter the Masjid and observe 10 musallees are in the Masjid already, please do not join the Jamaat; go outside and wait for the next Jamaat.  Do not wait inside as this is not allowed by the order.

These rules are being put in place for the safety of all and to help ensure the Masjid can remain open for salaah while following all laws and regulations. 

Special Instructions for Jumuah Salaah

  • Jumuah will continue with a maximum of 10 Musallees at a time in 4 separate locations.  

  • Jumuah Khutbah timings are as follows; 1:30pm, 2:00pm, 2:30pm, 3:00pm, 3:30pm and 4:00pm if needed.

  • A ticket system will be implemented next Friday InshaAllah 



A friendly reminder: the Masjid doesn't need us. We need the Masjid. If we abide by the rules InshaAllah the Masjid will remain open for us. 


JazakumAllahu khair.


Nadeem Sheikh
SMA Management

Important Update Masjid

April 17, 2021

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

In accordance with the new mandate from the Provincial Government limiting the Places of Worship and so to limit the spread of COVID-19 virus, we are sorry to inform you that Jame Abu Bakr Siddique will be closed to the general public from Sunday, April 18, 2021 after Isha and taraweeh prayers until further notice.  The second taraweeh prayer on Sunday night will be closed to the general public. 

This is a deeply painful, but a necessary decision. 

While the Masjid will be closed, inshaAllah we will continue to run our online programs as scheduled. Our drive thru Iftar will also continue to operate ordinarily. For the moment, Funeral and Nikah services will be by appointment only and will be limited to a maximum capacity of 10 people. 

This is a deeply troubling and painful time for our community. We remain hopeful in the Mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa'tala that the Masjid will soon open once again without restrictions. 

Yusuf Ingar
Scarborough Muslim Association

Taraweeh Protocols


April 9, 2021

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

As we approach the blessed month of Ramadhan, we are aware the community yearns to be at the Masjid for taraweeh prayers. However, due to restrictions imposed by the Government, our building capacity is limited to 15% only. We strongly encourage our community to perform taraweeh prayers at home with the huffaz in your family.

We have prepared brief video messages in Urdu and English with regards to Masjid policy during the month of Ramadhan. Please do watch it carefully and observe the messages of our respected Imams.


SMA Management


Jumuah Prayers procedure

January 29, 2021

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Jumuah prayers will be prayed in groups of 10. Brothers are requested to come to Masjid and get a ticket from volunteers indicating the time and place of Jumuah Prayers.

  1. Get a ticket from Volunteers at the door starting at 11:45 am

  2. Wait in your car or return back 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.

  3. Line up at the door with social distancing

  4. Do not crowd the shoe area

  5. Pray your Sunnah at home

  6. Come with wudhu


SMA Management



Masjid reopen

November 29, 2020

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

We are pleased to announce that beginning Monday, November 30th, Jame Abu Bakr Masjid will reopen for regular salaah under extremely limited capacity and strict guidelines. As per current directives by the Provincial Government and the Toronto Public Health, we will only allow 10 musallees into the Masjid at one time.

In order to accommodate as many attendees as possible, we will have multiple salaah. For this reason, it is imperative that the musallees cooperate with the volunteers and continue to observe 6 feet social distancing; especially while waiting outside. Dress warmly as there is no waiting inside the building. And as always, we remind you once again to wear a mask, bring your own musalla, and perform your wudhu at home. If you are experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with an individual with positive COVID-19, please perform your prayers at home.

We humbly request that if you are able to perform your salaah at home with jama’ah please continue to do so.

JazakumAllahu khair for your cooperation and understanding.




Yusuf Ingar



November 21, 2020

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

In accordance with the new mandate from the Provincial Government limiting the places of Worship and so to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are sorry to inform you that Jame Abu Bakr Siddique will be closed to the general public from Sunday, November 22nd after Isha Salaah until further notice.

This is a deeply painful, but necessary, decision. 

While the Masjid will be closed, our School, hifz class, and evening Madressa will continue to operate normally.  For the moment, funerals and weddings will be limited to a maximum capacity of 10 people. 

This is a deeply troubling and painful time for our community. We remain hopeful in the mercy of Allah of Subhanahu wa'tala that the Masajids will soon open once again without restrictions.


Scarborough Muslim Association


October 14, 2020

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to announce the Scarborough Muslim Association/Jame Abu Bakr Siddique (SMA) will be opening from tomorrow, Thursday, October 15th, 2020, for Dhuhr salaah. At this time, all educational programs will continue online until further notice. As we begin to open the Masjid for prayers, we insist on the importance of following safety protocols put in place by the Government. 

Masks must be worn properly (including covering of the nose) at all time while in the Masjid premises. You may be asked to leave the premises if you are not wearing your mask properly. Do not socialize in the Masjid or outside the Masjid. Maintain social distancing while entering, leaving, and praying in the Masjid. Please practice social distancing near shoe racks, and do not crowd the exit. If you are sick, or have a sick family member with possible symptoms of COVID-19, we request you to pray your salaah at home. Please perform your wudhu at home.

After completing salaah, please remain in your place until you are advised to proceed by the volunteers, one row at a time. If you are in a hurry, please consider this before attending the Masjid for salaah.

These measures are taken to protect our musallees, staff, and students. We understand it may cause some inconvenience, but we are hopeful of your understanding and cooperation so we can keep the Masjid open without disruptions. 

The SMA takes the safety of our students, staff, and congregants very seriously and considers the health and well-being of everyone to be our top priority. 


A video message with instructions is attached in English and Urdu. Please view carefully before coming for salaah. 

JazakumAllahu khair for your cooperation and understanding. We ask for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa'tala to keep us safe and pray for the speedy recovery for all our brothers and sisters.

Scarborough Muslim Association




October 8, 2020

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

The Scarborough Muslim Association/Jame Abu Bakr Siddique (SMA) will be temporarily closed until further notice. Unfortunately, the Masjid will not be open for Jumu'ah salaah on Friday, October 9, 2020.

Today, we have learned about two more positive COVID-19 cases. Both individuals reported to us that their tests came back positive for COVID-19 today, October 8, 2020, and are currently self-isolating at home. Please note due to privacy laws, we are not allowed to disclose the names of the individuals.

All congregants, staff, and students who were at the Masjid within the last week are requested to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. 

A joint investigation with TPH and the SMA is assessing whether there were any close contacts with the individuals, requiring self-isolation. 

The SMA takes the safety of our students, staff, and congregants very seriously and considers the health and well-being of everyone to be our top priority. 

JazakumAllahu khair for your cooperation and understanding. We ask for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa'tala to keep us safe and pray for speedy recovery for all of our brothers and sisters.



Scarborough Muslim Association

Moulana Shoaib will give an English talk tomorrow at 1:10PM for online viewers.

Date - Oct 6, 2020

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

The Scarborough Muslim Association/Jame Abu Bakr Siddique (SMA) will be temporarily CLOSED for enhanced and thorough cleaning and sanitization. The Masjid will be shut down immediately from now until Friday, October 9, 2020 for Jumu'ah salaah. There will be no isha Salaah at the Masjid tonight.

We have recently been notified of several more cases, including one student from our full time Hifz-ul-Qur'an class. Another individual, a musallee, tested positive for COVID-19 today, October 6, 2020. The musallee was last reported to be at the Masjid on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at zuhr Salaah, and he was asymptomatic at the time. The musallee is currently self-isolating at home.

All congregants, staff, and students who were at the Masjid within the last one week are requested to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. 

A joint investigation with TPH and the SMA is assessing whether there were any close contacts with the individuals, requiring self-isolation. 

The SMA takes the safety of our students, staff, and congregants very seriously and considers the health and well-being of everyone to be our top priority. Our last thorough sanitization and disinfecting of the building was done on Sunday, October 4, 2020. We also continue to sanitize the Masjid daily. We will be thoroughly sanitizing and disinfecting the Masjid once again while it is closed. 

JazakumAllahu khair for your cooperation and understanding. We ask for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa'tala to keep us safe and pray for speedy recovery for all of our brothers and sisters.

Scarborough Muslim Association

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